Unified Communication
Unified communications (UC) offers the ability to significantly improve how individuals, groups and companies interact and perform. UC also enables multiple communication channels to be coordinated. In some cases, separate servers may be consolidated, but, more frequently, UC adds functionality to existing communication applications. Key technologies include Internet Protocol (IP)-PBX, voice over IP (VoIP), presence, e-mail, audioconferencing and Web conferencing, videoconferencing, voice mail, unified messaging (UM), instant messaging (IM), and various forms of mobility. Another key capability of UC is that it offers a method to integrate communication functions directly with business applications
Unified Communications is the convergence of real-time and non-real-time business communication applications. These applications include telephony, conferencing, email, voice mail, instant messaging, video, and collaboration across a variety of interfaces be it PC or web-based clients, telephones and mobile devices, or speech.
ITEL commits to deliver the proved solution on UC platform and provide multi-vendor & multi-solutions to integrate the deployment of UC platform in seamless way.